Bailey Family Coat of Arms

Welcome to the Bailey Family History Home Page!

We apologize, but due to rampant abuse and hacking attempts by spammers and others with ill intent, we've been forced to discontinue the discussion forums and abandon the Bailey History Web Ring.  While we regret the need to do this, we feel it is necessary to keep this site secure.  Thanks for your understanding.


Baileys from Bute

A family lineage and history of the James Bailey family is now available.  The focus surname of this publication is Bailey, as the two known sons of James Bailey became of age in Bute County, North Carolina.  We know that one son married in Bute County and strongly feel that the other did also, thus the title Baileys from Bute.  Numerous other families such as Bowers, Flemings, and other intermarried family subgroups are included.  It contains that information which was known about the Baileys and Flemings in Virginia.  It also includes all known Baileys in today's Lancaster and Kershaw counties in South Carolina. 


Order today!  A limited number of copies are still available!

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